Some of our Radio Show listeners have asked for pictures of our Poodle/Bichon mix Charley. Well, here he is. The lower picture is of Charley and his brother Boomer, now living with our son in Florida.
A written record of John and Kathy Huggins' travels and life as full-time RV'ers.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
We visit Sabino Canyon Tucson, AZ
These trams took us 8 miles up into the canyon.
There were hikers everywhere.
View back down the canyon from the tram.
Absolutely beautiful.
This was an interesting rock formation on top of the south wall. Below is a zoom showing some detail. I thought the formation on the right looked like a coyote howling at the moon.
My next camera will have image stabilization.
Sabino creek ran alongside the road most of the way up the canyon.
There were Saguaro Cactus everywhere.
This boulder looks ready to slide down into the canyon.
This is thimble peak, visible from Tucson.