
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Our book is published!!

Hello faithful and patient readers. I have been so busy getting our first book ready for publishing that I have neglected our blog. I'm sorry and the wait is over! Our book "So, you want to be an RVer" is live on as an ebook.

check out our book

In this book you will find what we’ve learned (often the hard way) in eight years of full-time RV’ing, although all the information is valuable to part timers and weekenders as well. We provide over a hundred tested links to the websites of those experts we look up to. The advice we offer is based on our own experience. In 25 Chapters and 4 appendices, we take you from doing the initial homework, to choosing the right rig, to the buying process, where to camp, and way beyond. We discuss what you need to have in your rig and why. If you are interested in budgeting, communicating, boondocking or workamping, we discuss them at length along with many other topics. We wind it up with a chapter on our most memorable lessons learned. Yes, that includes the infamous black water dance.

We will be live for the Nook readers later to nite and we are planning a paperback edition later on this month. 

We are in Hershey, PA for the next 10 days before we head to Celina, OH for the Gypsy Journal RV Rally. We will be presenting three seminars; 2 on podcasting and 1 on workamping.

I'll write more when the glow wears off.