
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Where did the humidity go?

Starting yesterday, we have had much lower humidity and somewhat lower temperatures. We remember from when we lived in this area that there is usually a time in Oct. when this happens. Again today we have crystal clear skies and cooler daytime temps. This morning, it was in the 50's. Awesome!

Next week will be more of the same doctor visits for both Kathy and me. We see the light at the end of the tunnel, however. After this week, I have a Cardiologist visit scheduled for Nov. and Kathy should be all done. Two weeks of these visits every 2 years is a small price to pay for the wonderful lifestyle we live.

Since the publishing of an article in MSN Money with an interview with Kathy about the full-time lifestyle, our podcast downloads have almost tripled! Visits to our website are up 400%. We're hoping this also translates to more sales of our book as well. All this is quite exciting as well as encouraging.

If you are interested in some of our earlier podcasts, I have posted lists of the main topics covered in each episode of Living the RV Dream from number 80 to number 180. These can be found in the LTRVD Store tab on our website. Click on the "Show Notes and Comments" link by each of volumes V thru IX. I'll be working on the rest, but I have to listen to each one first and that will take a while.

I'll close with a couple of comments from an earlier podcast:

You MIGHT be an RVer if. . .

. . . the Camping World Master Catalog arrives and you lock yourself in the bathroom for an hour with a cordless phone and your VISA card.

. . . when someone asks how many people can sleep in your RV, you and your spouse answer in unison, "JUST TWO!"

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