
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Peace River Preserve

Well, here we are at the Peace River Preserve, part of the Thousand Trails system. It was an arduous 45 mile trek from our Bradenton, FL Encore park. As you can see, we got settled in pretty quickly so we could get outside and loaf. Isn't that why we do this? Kathy and Charlie are loving it as you can see.

Its hard to believe, but we got parked, leveled, screens up, satellite dish up and aimed, and patio set up in under 2 hours. That's a record for us. This usually doesn't happen until the second afternoon.

I thought this live oak tree behind our rig was interesting because of the way the branches are vertical as if reaching for the sun.

This is the view from our street up towards the club house.

These signs are all along the rear of the park where the Peace river flows. They're not kidding about the gators either.

Kathy is standing on the boat launch ramp leading down to the Peace River. Lots of kayakers  and airboats can be seen all along this stretch of river.

After 8 years on the road, we finally figured out where to put the sign with our departure date on it. duuh...

I couldn't resist taking a picture of this Smart car next to a 45 foot MCI bus conversion. Apparently, the owner wants to trade the bus for a home, or so the sign says.

This is the office and adult lodge.

The pool and spa have recently refinished bottoms and decks. Very nice. We'll be over there this afternoon.
We'll be here for two weeks and then move up to the Tampa Fairgrounds for 6 days for the Tampa Super Show. It is really the Big Daddy of RV shows with over 1200 new RVs of every type as well as several hundred booths selling everything you will ever need, and a lot of stuff you probably don't need pertaining to the RV lifestyle.
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